sábado, 4 de setembro de 2010

i am at Hair Fair and to me the lag is a nightmare!

Hello i am trying walk and buy and grab all i think is really nice so please be patient!!
Be an invisible blogger and work alone without a group or help is hard but also is a battle and i know i will win!
I always win with patience and also perseverance.
I am wisdom enough to need none and i know i make a nice work !!
I am covering the 4 sponsors so it will take some time.
If you think in come to Hair Fair,
please take your hairs, shoes , jewels , huds and aos. Don't be selfish!

Um comentário:

  1. Feel each word you said. For us, independent bloggers this issues can really delay our 'job'. But is nothing the place owners can do... people are selfish to the point of wearing as much prims as they can without thinking they are being a cause to lag and none will see what they are wearing because they will be grey. >_<
    And also saw some people who were AWAY... but what can we do? Just have to keep faith and fight against this lag thing. :]
